Technology is now one resource most businesses depend on to ensure steady growth. From the background technical set-up that runs your business to your daily operational tools and software, technology has become your route to growth. But what if your business is still unable to field a full in-house tech team? The answer could be to engage managed IT support services.
You’ll need to decide which type of service is best for you. But overall, these services should help you
- control costs,
- reduce pressure on your valiant IT members of staff, and
- protect your business against the increasing dangers of cyber attacks.
What Are Managed IT Support Services?
The term refers to a third-party company that manages all or some of your IT operations and functions remotely. Organizations and businesses often hire managed service providers (MSPs) for a set of defined roles and management services according to the size of their operations. The rationale is that outsourcing these functions to a specialist company not only saves you money but also increases the efficiency of your existing staff and systems.
What Are The Different Types of Managed IT Support Services?
If you do an internet search for IT support services, you’ll find a huge array of different types! Their services range from basic provision all the way up to more complex IT solutions, including any combination of (for example) cyber security, internet connectivity, application support, data backups, and disaster recovery.
Businesses can therefore decide
- which services they want to buy and
- how much involvement they want from their chosen MSP.
Here, we’ll highlight just five of the most popular types of service.
1 Technical Support
This is the most commonly requested service. Tech support entails a range of services that an MSP provides to support and maintain your computer system and networks (both hardware and software). Technology has become much more complex as new tools join old tools in your business and attack surfaces grow! Companies therefore find they require support 24/7.
The obvious solution is to outsource and partner with a technical support service provider. These providers can go beyond offering basic IT assistance – they can analyze, evaluate, and troubleshoot any issues in your system.
2 Cloud Computing Services
As businesses no longer find themselves chained to their offices to get work done, cloud technology has become widespread.
Partnering with this type of managed IT support service – a cloud computing services provider – therefore allows you to access all the cloud services of your choice including infrastructure, software, platforms, and technologies, together with customer support. You can scale as you grow, by changing your subscription tier.
The cloud deal also has built-in, secure data backup and storage. Your company’s vital systems are off-site and protected from loss and theft. There are many other benefits of cloud computing.
3 Data Backup and Recovery
As cyberattacks become more frequent and more damaging, you can’t afford to compromise on data protection services.
If you decide not to invest in an all-encompassing managed services provider, the very least you need is a backup and recovery service. The service provider will secure and protect your data on both hardware and cloud environments. They put a data-protection strategy in place for your files, applications, and servers – which are the main target of hackers. But you’ll also be better protected after an office-break-in or a natural disaster!
4 Network Security
Network security services help protect and reduce the risk to a business network from unauthorized access that can lead to data loss, theft, and sabotage.
IT support companies can evaluate your security needs and provide solutions that protect both you and your client data. Examples of the services they provide to protect your network include:
- Network security
- Cyber security
- Advanced security
- Security programs
5 Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Business communication can take many forms, and VoIP technology allows team members to make voice calls and send messages through their internet connections instead of a regular phone line. This kind of managed IT support service seems quite small as an offering, but it’s crucial when you have offices in different locations and staff out in the field.
The only equipment you need is a strong internet connection, computer, or phone. VoIP solutions are low-cost, and easy to install and use. Your service provider can also customize your account and scale it up according to your changing work load and business demands.
Selecting the Right Managed IT Support Services Provider For Your Business
The above services are just a small range of managed IT services you can choose from. There are many more variations of IT packages you can subscribe to. However, to avoid paying for what you don’t need, you should evaluate your current and immediate future needs to figure out your best options.
Choosing the right partner will affect your firm’s IT capability and thus your growth!
Here are some considerations to bear in mind:
The IT support service provider you choose must align with your vision, values, and – most importantly – expectations. It’s easier to work with a partner who shares similar beliefs.
Do you feel your business matters to them when you initially contact them? Do they provide (on their website) evidence of high standards and attention to detail (customer recommendations etc.)? Is their business aligned with your sustainability and environmental goals?
Even though your work hours are limited to certain hours a day, your network and systems are working 24 hours. So your IT support providers must be available 24 hours all week, all year.
Are they easily reached? Will they respond readily? How supportive do you feel they will be when something goes wrong?
Disaster recovery planning.
The MSP should have a strategy for when and if a weather disaster, vandalism, or other outages hit your business. A good managed services support provider will help you plan for the future, protect your data, and make sure your business can recover from a disruptive event.
Can they explain what will happen in that event? Do their contracts offer a guarantee?
We Can Help!
Here at OneSource in Houston, we offer managed IT support services – and specifically data protection and custom IT solutions to simplify your business operations in a cloud management scenario. In addition, our flat-rate fee covers exactly what you ask us for, with no hidden extra expenses.
We’re committed to transparency and excellence so you get the support you need 24 hours, 365 days – and reach your business goals.
Contact us today for a free evaluation to get the peace of mind you deserve, knowing that your IT systems are well managed and your data protected.